Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Music Genome Project Blog

Part I: Post your Music Genome Project to your blog (not a link), reflect on your project, and answer the following questions in complete sentences:

Part II:
1. A) Identify your chosen musical genre
- I chose the genre Disney show tunes.
    B) say why you chose it.
- I chose Disney show tunes because it is a very popular genre.  There are many songs, tunes, and genres within it. There is a very wide variety of the music.

2. Describe how you went about finding your songs and information.
- I researched Disney movies. I especially looked into the older cartoons, because they are the more musical ones.

3. What different kinds of technology did you use to compile your project? [Web tools, Mac tools, etc...]
- I used Keynote, Garageband, iMovie, iTunes, and iPhoto. I used zamzar to convert all of my music and my video.

4. What are you good at...what went well for you in this project?
- It was easy to choose the music and get it put together in Garageband. Creating the actual iMovie was also a fairly easy task once I had all of my sources, pictures, music, and informational slides.

5. With what did you struggle on this project...what was difficult for you?
- What I struggled with the most was probably finding the history. Since it didn't really "develop" anywhere, besides in a studio in Los Angeles, there wasn't any culture or conversions to it.

6. Did you decide to use still slides? Why or why not? [If not, how did you convey your information?
- For some of my slides I did use still slides, there was so much information in them that I thought it would be easiest for the reader to just have it infront of them and it to not be moving. For a few short slides I did you ken burns effects. It added more creativity and variety to the movie.

7. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted?
- This project could be used for many other situations, such as in biology, a report on an animal or parts of a cell. It could also be used for a how to speech in speech class.

8. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976? [...not just that you cited the information, etc., but how did you transform the music, information, images, etc.]
- I used zamzar to convert all of my music from the internet (mostly YouTube) to my iTunes and from there into Garageband. All of the sources were then saved and cited. Images were also saved from the internet, probably searched on Google Images, and then saved and cited. Along with the information, I used Google to start my research and went from there.

9. Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not?
- Yes I would. It was a fairly simple assignment, it just took a lot of time. It is great to be able to watch all of your information, music, and pictures fall together with the finished project and it puts the focal points of your project into a clear visual.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Culture iMovie Blog Post

1. Post your movie to your blog. Number and answer the following questions:

2. Identify your team's topic.
- My team's topic was Peoria Notre Dame Men and Women's Swimming and Diving teams.

3. Describe your role on the team.
- What I did for the project was edit the music and timing on the slide transition. I have had more experience with iMove than my other teammates so when they had something they did not know how to do I would help them or take over the task. I helped pick the themes for the slides, transitions, and texts.

4. What did you learn from being a part of this team?
- I learned that dividing up the work evenly, and then reviewing everyone's work and research is the best way to get the project done quickly and efficiently. Keep your group members updated on what you are doing and check their statuses on what they are doing too. Work together as much as you can so one person is not stuck with the entire project or you're not doing it last minute.

5. What went well for you as a team?
- We got all of our information and images together easily. Our research was accurate and on topic. We all had certain tasks, or we would all do research one day, and then pool all of our ideas together at once. We were on task every class and got the project done days before it was due, so we had time to add fun effects or add little details.

6. What did not go well for you as a team?
- I thought our project was done successfully without any errors or delays. The only thing is that we had to figure most of the very detailed things such as all the video complications out and get everything perfect for it.

7. Describe the process from storyboarding through the movie creation. Did ideas/concepts/focus change from one kind of technology to the other? If so, how?
- We took the storyboard and exported it into our documents. From there we made different slides with words, information, videos, or just pictures related to our topic. We just added more detail or found more appropriate things to add to the movie that were different from the storyboard. 

8. What new tools and techniques did you learn by doing this project?
- I already knew how to make an iMovie, but I discovered new tools and techniques to add the videos, enhance them and the pictures, find and add transitions to mix it up a little. I found many new themes and creative styles. I also learned how to insert and edit music into the movie.

9. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted?
- I can see me using this project for French class or Biology class. I can use it for big presentations in college, or once I graduate and get a job. It really captures the message of the topic because of the different effects, styles, and ideas you can throw into it to make it more exciting and a lot less boring.

10. How did you use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?
- I used a work cited at the end, which cited all my sources that gave the owner or creator credit for their work.

11. Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not?
- Yes I would. It was a pretty straight forward project. It could be done very easily if you just followed the steps. I had so many opportunities to use my own creativities.